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In my previous post Creating a Scalable Application Ecosystem, I described how to create an ecosystem of applications, libraries, and services rather than isolated applications. With this paradigm, you should end up with smaller, more manageable projects, but how do you manage all of these separate codebases?
Managing Multiple Projects with Repo

The dark corners of the internet and many an extranet are filled with enterprise applications collecting dust. These applications were once viewed as a potential solution to all of the businesses problems, but they have withered on the vine and are now an impediment to doing business every day.
Beware the Neglect Trap

This new Resource Filter API allows AEM / Sling developers to be significantly more succinct and readable and how they perform common repository traversals. It's not a pure replacement of JCR queries, but for simple content structures you can do a lot more with a lot less code.
Resource Streams in Apache Sling