I'm based out of Cincinnati, OH
I work as a Sr. Computer Scientist at Adobe
Improve the TextImage component by making it cleaner and more consistent
/posts/2013/03/consistent-and-clean-rich-text-and-images-cq5.htmlIllustrates why you need to be careful with the Export-Package instruction and in general when setting up a project.
/posts/2013/08/beware-export-package.htmlDiscusses the process for creating a Sling Service Factory
/posts/2013/08/service-boss-level-service-factories.htmlAsking the experts to compare CQ's Inheritance Model to Java's Inheritance Model
/posts/2013/08/ask-experts-cq5-inheritance-model.htmlIntroduces the new Resource Access tags in the Sling JSP Taglib
/posts/2013/08/new-apache-sling-resource-access-tags.htmlLearn how to handle file uploads in Adobe CQ
/posts/2013/01/handling-file-upload-adobe-cq.htmlLearn about the most concepts most developers have problems understanding when starting to develop on the AEM platform
/posts/2013/11/5-hardest-aem-concepts-new-developers.htmlLearn about Six Dimensions' recent contribution to the Sling API of a new hasChildren method
/posts/2013/11/six-dimensions-supports-apache-sling-project-resource-haschildren.htmlLearn about how to execute automated integration tests in the Adobe CQ platform
/posts/2013/11/integration-tests-adobe-cq.htmlDiscusses the process for creating a custom Apache Felix Web Console Plugin