Pages Tagged with "Apache Felix"

Apache Felix SCR Plugin Compatibility Chart

Chart of which versions of the Apache Felix SCR Annotations and Apache Felix Maven SCR Plugin are compatible

Clearing AEM's JSP Cache in your Jenkins Build

How to clear AEM's Compiled JSP cache in your Continuous Integration build

Beware of Export-Package

Illustrates why you need to be careful with the Export-Package instruction and in general when setting up a project.

Simple Web Console Templates

Demonstrates a simple technique for creating HTML templates for Apache Felix WebConsole screens

Escaping the Dreaded VerifyError

How to fix the java.lang.VerifyError: Expecting a stackmap frame at branch target error in AEM

MessageGatewayService vs MessageGateway

It is important to understand the distinction between the two ways of getting the Message Gateway

SCR JavaDoc Tags Deprecated in CQ 5.5

In CQ 5.5, by default you cannot compile code with CRXDE, learn about how to fix this.

AEM 6.3: Handling Feelings of Deprecation

The latest version of Adobe Experience Manager, AEM 6.3 includes depreciation of the Apache Felix SCR Annotations and Apache Sling Commons JSON, how do you cope?
