Pages Tagged with "Apache Maven"

Apache Felix SCR Plugin Compatibility Chart

Chart of which versions of the Apache Felix SCR Annotations and Apache Felix Maven SCR Plugin are compatible

Ask the Experts: MVC in Adobe CQ5

Answers from experts on how MVC is implemented in Adobe CQ5

Creating Detailed Packages with the CQ Deploy Plugin

Learn how to create packages with complete metadata and deploy them with the CQ Deploy Plugin

Sling (sort of) Requires Javax Servlet

Find out how to resolve a missing javax.servlet dependency when using the Apache Sling API.

CQ5 Development Setup, Maven Build and Deployment

Download and watch a webinar I did on CQ5 Development Setup, Maven Build and Deployment

Introducing CQ Deploy Version 0.1.3

Introducing the latest version of CQ Deploy: A Maven Plugin for Deploying CQ Projects
