Pages Tagged with "Apache Sling"

Lucky #11: Sling 11 and Java 11 Support

The Apache Sling project just released the latest version of the Apache Sling Starter, version 11. This artifact is an aggregator of the modules making up Apache Sling and is used by many downstream applications as a basis for the "stable" version of the Apache Sling codebase.

Resource Streams in Apache Sling

This new Resource Filter API allows AEM / Sling developers to be significantly more succinct and readable and how they perform common repository traversals. It's not a pure replacement of JCR queries, but for simple content structures you can do a lot more with a lot less code.

Achieving Development Tranquility with the Apache Sling Service User WebConsole

A video about the Apache Sling Service User WebConsole a new feature in AEM from Perficient/Digital that will make creating service users significantly easier for AEM developers.

No Servlets Required: Exporting Data with Sling Models

Are you still writing Servlets to render JSON in AEM? Use the Sling Models Exporter instead!

Misconceptions and the Missing Modules of Apache Sling

How can you find the source or JavaDocs for an Apache Sling dependency of AEM? The answer is trickier than you'd think, but I've got a new tool to make it easier!

3 Gotchas in Migrating from Felix SCR to OSGi R6 Annotations

If you use AEM 6.3+ you should be using the OSGi R6 DS Annotations, but how do you avoid gotchas when upgrading old projects?

Introducing Apache Sling 10

Announcing the release of Apache Sling 10 and the Service User WebConsole.

Sling Recent Requests Parser

Introducing a new tool I’ve been working on the parse and analyze Slong Recent Requests logs
