Daniel Klco
I'm based out of Cincinnati, OH
I work as a Sr. Computer Scientist at Adobe
Introducing Six Dimensions' contribution to CQ 5.6
/posts/2013/03/six-dimensions-contribution-cq-56.htmlFind out how to resolve a missing javax.servlet dependency when using the Apache Sling API.
/posts/2013/02/sling-sort-requires-javax-servlet.htmlIn order to create a sling servlet you must set a name for it - learn why
/posts/2012/12/gotcha-sling-servlet-requires-name.htmlLearn about what could be changing the Resource Type on your custom TextImage component
/posts/2012/10/why-does-my-textimage-resource-type-keep-changing.htmlIf you use AEM 6.3+ you should be using the OSGi R6 DS Annotations, but how do you avoid gotchas when upgrading old projects?