Daniel Klco
I'm based out of Cincinnati, OH
I work as a Sr. Computer Scientist at Adobe
Learn about how to execute automated integration tests in the Adobe CQ platform
/posts/2013/11/integration-tests-adobe-cq.htmlLearn about how to create Integration Tests in Apache SLing with the SlingTestBase
/posts/2013/06/creating-integration-tests-apache-sling.htmlImprovements and recommendations from my previous post about Integration Testing in Adobe CQ.
/posts/2014/06/follow-up-to-integration-tests-adobe-cq.htmlHighlights some of the features available in the new 1.0.8 release of the Apache Sling Testing Tools library.
/posts/2014/07/new-apache-sling-testing-tools.htmlYou've modernized your CMS, now modernize your tests!