I'm based out of Cincinnati, OH
I work as a Sr. Computer Scientist at Adobe
Unfortunately, AEM did not provide a mechanism to interact with Markdown content, nor were any of the Java markdown libraries compatible with OSGi. Recently, I worked with the Flexmark team to produce an OSGi bundle version of the Flexmark markdown library.
/posts/2018/08/markdown-aem-flexmark.htmlI've seen and written a lot of background jobs in my career and in my experience, they are most common culprits to hard-to-diagnose issues in website operations. This is why, with background jobs, it's even more important than your standard component code to ensure the job executes successfully.
/posts/2018/08/anatomy-ideal-background-job.htmlShows how to integrate Front End built tools into an Apache Maven based OSGi Bundle build process
/posts/2018/01/incorporating-front-end-builds-osgi-bundle.htmlIf you use AEM 6.3+ you should be using the OSGi R6 DS Annotations, but how do you avoid gotchas when upgrading old projects?
/posts/2018/05/3-gotchas-migrating-felix-scr-osgi-r6-annotations.htmlWhat are OSGi HTTP Whiteboard Servlets and could they be useful for your project? Find the answers here!