Pages Tagged with "Architecture"

Creating Geolocated Experiences with Adobe Experience Manager

Geolocation is critical to creating a relevant experience, but creating a stellar geolocation experience is more complicated than just a simple development task.

Single Page Application Approaches in AEM

Discusses architectural options around integrating Web Content Management Systems, such as Adobe Experience Manager with Single Page Applications. Including which integration paradigms are most appropriate for certain situations.

Beware the Neglect Trap

The dark corners of the internet and many an extranet are filled with enterprise applications collecting dust. These applications were once viewed as a potential solution to all of the businesses problems, but they have withered on the vine and are now an impediment to doing business every day.

Creating a Scalable Application Ecosystem

In many applications, although the application itself has an MVC structure, the application is built as a monolith. Services, libraries, and the application code are all intermingled, making the process of extending or creating a similar application far more difficult than should be required.
