I'm based out of Cincinnati, OH
I work as a Sr. Computer Scientist at Adobe
Detailed performance comparison of AEM 5.6 and 6.1
/posts/2015/09/aem-61-performance-whitepaper.htmlDiscusses the point at which CQ 5.6 becomes unreliable
/posts/2015/09/cq-56-tipping-point.htmlDiscusses how I structure my computer to support easy and flexible AEM Development.
/posts/2014/04/my-aem-dev-setup.htmlLearn how to setup monitoring on your AEM instances using New Relic.
/posts/2014/04/monitoring-aem-newrelic.htmlSome concrete recommendations to better fit Adobe Managed Services to customers diverse needs based on my experience as an AEM Architect and DevOps expert
/posts/2019/06/recommendations-adobe-managed-services.htmlHere is a quick starter to help you find your way around the servers provisioned by Adobe Managed Services
/posts/2020/08/5-commands-adobe-managed-services-should-have-documented.htmlReSolve 2021 is complete, check out the sessions for insights and solutions based on the Apache Sling framework.
/posts/2021/06/resolve-2021-presentation-sling-cms.htmlImplementing proactive monitoring of AEM web applications using Sling Health Checks and Nagios when hosting through Adobe Managed Services.